Thursday, October 17, 2019

Take Home Final Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Take Home Final Exam - Essay Example This time it’s the Eastern Ukraine that has become center of attention. Each of the region aims at establishing a pro government which would serve its strategic purposes. The recent event of Crimea Crisis has brought the two nations to a strangulating view point in the diplomatic and political activities. As a result the allies on each side have been brought into action as well as subsequently the United Nations Security Council as well. After the formal annexation and troops march in, the Russians have declared it a Crimean Federal District. Although this move has not been approved by the United Nations. The Crimean Peninsula is important on multiple accounts. One of the factors is its multi dimensional and multi ethnic population segmentation, the other factor that has caused the stir and attention is its affiliation and geographical capacity with the Black Sea which has since centuries served as the pivot towards the Russian interests in the region (Pavliï ¸  uï ¸ ¡k and Klympush-Tsintsadze, 68). Surveys conducted in this pursuit to determine the pulse of the people, it was revealed that over 40 percent of the Ukraine population desires becoming part of the E.U, while a meager 14 percent of the population wanted to get enrolled into a pro Russian economic union entity. United States of America cannot allow re occurrence of the Cold War expansionist policy of Russia through the influence establishment in the smaller states of the region. It at the same time does not want the natural resources to fall under the Russian influence as a result it badly wants Ukraine to be enrolled in the European Union. In bid to protect the central part of Ukraine from falling into the shade and influence of Russia, United States of America has released a fund and assistance of one billion dollars on immediate grounds (JOACHIM and WEISMAN). This has been done so to provide assistance to the already frail economy of

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